Pike County Times
The Pike County Times, PO Box 843, Zebulon, Georgia 30295. Click here to donate through PayPal. Becky Watts: Phone # 770-468-7583 editor@pikecountytimes.com
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Pike County Celebrates Patriot's Day

ZEBULON - The American Legion Pike Post 197 held a remembrance ceremony for Patriot's Day on September 11, 2015 on the Courthouse Square. A special Flag Raising and Lowering Ceremony was also held for four soldiers who were killed-in-action (KIA) who will be honored and inducted into the Pike County Memorial Annex on November 7, 2015.

Commander Bryan Richardson began the Patriot's Day Ceremony with a remembrance of September 11, 2001. “Fourteen years ago, on this day, America suffered one of its worst days in its entire history. There is probably not a person over the age of fourteen among us in this crowd that does not know what they were doing that fateful day. If you were not old enough to personally witness the effects of this event, you were more than likely told what you were doing that September 11th morning. Many of us wept in disbelief that a tragedy could be so catastrophic and devastating. Our flags fly at half-mast today in memory and honor of the 2,977 9-11 victims. But, this day is called Patriot’s Day because we as Americans were able to bounce back as a Nation. We must continue to be the greatest nation on earth and continue to show our pride. What helps our patriotism, is to never forget this tragedy and its effect on our Nation. Let me remind ourselves of what happened fourteen years ago, so that we never forget this day and what it represents."

"On September 11, 2001, 19 Islamic extremists from the group al-Qaeda and orchestrated by their leader Osama bin Laden hijacked four commercial airlines bound for west coast destinations. These four fuel loaded aircraft became four weapons of mass destruction aimed at targets in New York City and Washington DC. A total of 2,977 people were killed in New York City, Washington, DC and in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, in the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history. Of the total, 265 fatalities were aboard the four planes. At the World Trade Center site in lower Manhattan, 2,753 people were killed when hijacked American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175 were intentionally crashed into the north and south towers."

Richardson read some facts about the attack and told those present, "The facts just heard represents only a small portion of the total effect of this devastating event and its impact on all Americans and the world. At this time, I invite everyone to partake in a moment of silence followed by the playing of Taps.”

Commander Richardson then explained the Flag Raising and Lowering Ceremony to those present and welcomed the family members of the incoming Veteran's Memorial inductees. Four flags were flown and refolded that will be placed into each inductees' shadow box that will be placed on the wall at the Memorial Annex. Those honored included: Charlie H. Tidwell, U.S. Army, Private, WWII; James T. Harris, U.S. Marines, Lance Corporal, Vietnam; Glenn R. McCuaig, U.S. Marines, Lance Corporal, Vietnam; and Lonnie L. Silver, U.S. Marines, Lance Corporal, Vietnam. The ceremony was methodical and followed specific flag etiquette and protocol.

The public is invited to attend the Memorial Ceremony for these KIA's and their families at the Pike County Memorial Annex on November 7, 2015. Commander Richardson told the crowd that the November Memorial Ceremony is another venue "to ensure that we never forget those that have given the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms that we enjoy as Americans today."

Benny Collier from the Georgia Department of Labor Griffin Career Center happened to be driving past the Veteran's Memorial in Zebulon as members of Pike Post 197 were performing the flag ceremony for each of the four inductees for the upcoming Veteran's Memorial Ceremony and stopped to join those watching the ceremony. Mr. Collier is the local veterans employment representative for our area. Veterans are welcome to contact him at 770-228-7226 or by email at benny.collier@gdol.ga.gov.


Georgia Hanson sang the National Anthem.