Pike County Times
The Pike County Times, PO Box 843, Zebulon, Georgia 30295. Click here to donate through PayPal. Becky Watts: Phone # 770-468-7583 editor(@)pikecountytimes.com
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This online news website is owned and operated by Becky Watts. The Editor can be reached at 770-468-7583 or at editor(at)PikeCountyTimes(dot)com. Pike County Times is a website for citizens to keep up with local events and stay informed about Pike County government. It began on November 13, 2006 as a watchdog on county government and has turned into an online newspaper.

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Wednesday, July 10, 2019 - 9:00 AM
Courthouse, Main Courtroom, 16001 Barnesville Street, Zebulon, Georgia

www.pikecoga.com/novusagenda has a download of the agenda and accompanying information for this meeting. Monthly information from Animal Control, Coroner, Fire Department, Grady, Library, Magistrate Court, McIntosh Trail CSB, Planning & Development, Registrar, Superior - Juvenile Court, Tax Assessor, and the Water Authority are included as well.

Attending were County Clerk Angela Blount, Commissioners James Jenkins and Tim Guy, Chairman Briar Johnson, and County Manager/Interim County Attorney Rob Morton.

1. CALL TO ORDER - Chairman J. Briar Johnson

2. INVOCATION - Bart Brock

3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Chairman J. Briar Johnson

4. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA - (O.C.G A. § 50-14-1 (e) (1))


a. Minutes of the June 25, 2019 Regular Monthly Meeting.


a. Employee Recognition for service to Pike County

Billy D Cook

Billy D. Cook has given 10 years service in Public Works. Public Works Director Todd Goolsby said that Billy's years of knowledge and experience go a long way. He said that both of these employees go above and beyond for the county. He said of Billy, "He’s there when you need him."

Christopher L Goodman

Christopher Goodman has given 15 years of service in Public Works. Director Todd Goolsby said that he was with the county for 2 years and then came back when he was asked to so he’s been here more than 15 years. This is the man who takes care of the county when Todd is not around.


a. Monthly Reports submitted from County Departments and County Authorities, including a Revenue/Expenditure Statement for all departments, and a summary check register.
Department Reports
Financial Reports

b. County Manager Report

Update on County finances for the following funds/accounts:
General Fund $2,063,663.06
Fire Dept. Donations $6,041.70
Cash Reserve Account $107,384.17
Jail Fund $38,511.72
E-911 Fund $263,647.41
DATE Fund $50,913.18
Juvenile Court Fund $10,756.16
Residential Impact Fee $692,619.77
Commercial Impact Fees $80,983.92
C.A.I.P Fund $183,913.50
General Obligation SP LOST Tax Bond Sinking Fund, 2016 $1,234,885.90
L.M.I. Grant (DOT) $297,176.50

c. County Manager Comments.

Dept of Transportation. Annual letter for LMIG funding. They gave an updated list of roads with figures. He said that he would like to submit early since not due until January so we can go ahead and get rolling on this. This is not all of the roads that we are working on because we are doing maintenance and SPLOST work. The amount is for $504,469. We have finished all of the LMIG work for last year.

Storm damages can result in emergency LMIG funding. We were awarded $21,500 for culvert repair on Concord Road.

Annual audit for Three Rivers is available.

Elections Supervisor Lynn Vickers was present. She and Rob have attended all city council meetings with the exception of Williamson which will happen this week. There is a meeting coming up with the initial meeting of the Elections Board and setting everything into place as far as rules. Intergovernmental agreements will be needed too. The intent is to save everyone money including the county and cities. We don’t know all of the expenses yet but will keep an eye on it.

End of the year financial reports are available as well as the first set for the new fiscal year. There will still be a few expenses from last year that will be trickling in and those will be adjusted at a later time as the year end is completed.

[Note from the Editor: I received the County Manager Report from Rob that he sends out to the commissioners. It is included below. It hit all of the major high points that he has been working on since Bobby's resignation and is included below. I sent a note to all of the commissioners and to Rob to let them know that I really liked what I saw in that report!]

"...In any event, there is a lot happening in the County, and I have been spending most of my time handling county matters since the resignation last Tuesday. For your information, I revised the ad for the position of County Manager, which was sent to the local paper, ACCG, and Pike County Times today for publication. We will also post the ad on our website. The requirement to advertise the position was a result of past litigation and is set forth in the local legislation from 2004, which is also reflected in our Code. I have asked for an executive session at the next meeting so that you may discuss personnel issues related to position of county manager and the administrative office.

You will be receiving financials in anticipation of next week's meeting. Please keep in mind that we are in transition from FY 2018/2019 that ended last Sunday to FY 2019/2020 that started on Monday. Accordingly, you will be seeing two sets of financials for the respective fiscal years. We have 60 days from the end of the fiscal year to ensure items are booked properly before closing the fiscal year out entirely.

I have been working with Lynn Vickers regarding the implementation of the new Board of Elections and Registration as well as the filling of the vacancy of Tommy's commission seat. We interviewed and hired a part time work for the office of the Board of Elections and Registration to assist Lynn Vickers. Her name is Christ Blount and after her initial week on the job, she will be working on days that Lynn is off with the exception of Wednesday when both will be working together. Of course that schedule will not apply to qualifying, early voting and election time frames.

I have prepared an affidavit for execution by Chairman Johnson certifying the appointment of the members of the new Joint Board of Elections and Registration. The affidavit is required by the local legislation and is filed with the Superior Court Clerk. We have scheduled a meeting for June 16 at 4 pm as the initial meeting of the new Board, which will include setting staggered terms and reviewing proposed by-laws.

Regarding filling the vacancy for Tommy's commission seat, you will see 2 agenda items, one for the calling of the special election and one for the setting of the qualifying fee. I understand that Lynn would like to have the qualifying at the same time as the already scheduled qualification period of August 18-23. The special election will be held on November 5, 2019.

I also met with and assisted Rosemary Bunn with the interview for a part time position at the library. Lacey Blankenship was hired and did very well on the practical portion of the interview process.

I also met with Mike Powell in his capacity as the Chairman of the Board for DFACS along with Kelly Page, the new Pike County DFACS Director. They have provided some information related to the qualifications for appointments to their Board and asked that I execute an agreement related to their budget allocation. The agreement was dated for March 2019 and should have been executed previously. The agreement simply reflects the budget allocation that has already been approved and that they will use the budget allocation in their discretion. Since this is a lump sum budget allocation that is broken down into 12 monthly installments, they have the full discretion regarding the expenditure of the allocation including how to handle any remainder at the end of the budget year.

I also met with Ashley Harmon, our County Extension Coordinator who indicated that there has been a mix up regarding the filling of secretarial position for their office. In short, they requested a full time secretary, and the approved budget only provided for a part time secretary. This position is a shared cost position between UGA and Pike County. I anticipate receiving additional information including documentation from UGA concerning this issue of the secretary position.

I have also been researching the Animal Shelter Donation matter and particularly the costs associated with the ongoing funding necessary to maintain such a facility. I have spoken with Ruth Chandler on behalf of the proposed donation as well as with Shawn Downs, the director of the Meriwether County facility. I am scheduling a meeting with Shawn Downs so that we can tour the facility and discuss numbers in more detail. Chairman Johnson would like to attend that meeting. Please let me know if anyone else is interested.

In addition, I will be meeting with Robin Flory with the GA Dept of Agriculture on Monday morning at 9:00 am at the animal control facility (along with Tanya Perkins) to get some advice regarding the potential building of an animal shelter. Please let me know if you are interesting in attending the meeting Monday morning.

Because of the length of this email, I am not going to summarize all of the activities of the various departments and Constitutional Officers. I believe that I have met with each department and constitutional officer since last week's resignation. Respective reports should be available to you in connection with next week's agenda.

I do want to advise you that the LMIG project in Rachland Estates has been completed. The related striping and shoulder work for Watering Hole Pass (south), Trails End and Ranchland Gap should be completed within 2-3 weeks. The work related to extending the existing paving on Watering Hole Pass (north) southwards toward the dam should be addressed toward the end of July. If you will recall, that is related to the Deed that we obtained this past spring that has been punch list for quite some time.

I also wanted you to know that I finalized a letter of support for the Middle Georgia Community Action Agency (Pike NSC) in connection with their application for a Rural Housing Preservation Grant. If the Grant is awarded, I understand that they will provide assistance to low-income and elderly citizens in Pike County, including home repairs.

Lastly, I wanted to let you know that Tanya Perkins is off this week (well deserved) and that Dewey Yarbrough and myself will handle any needs related to dangerous/viscous dogs in her absence. She will be back in the office on Monday. Also, both Brooke and Janis will be off on Friday, but Angela and Jennifer will be working.

Please feel free to contact me if you need anything and have a happy and safe Fourth of July.

[Note from the Editor: End of email.

d. Commissioner Reports.

James Jenkins said that he has had several positive calls about Ranchland Estates, and he praised Rob for the information and work that has been done since he came on as County Manager.

Public Works Director Todd Goolsby said that we could potentially have a check from the state that will be used for LMIG paving by August. Striping will be taking place soon on these paving projects that has been completed.

e. County Attorney Report to Commissioners.

No significant issues that need to be addressed. Continuing to prosecute county ordinance violations.


a. Consideration of the amendment to Emergency Medical Services Agreement (Grady).

Rob asked this to be on the agenda because he has some issues that needed to be addressed. Commissioner James Jenkins had a concern about modifying the contract without putting this contract out for bid when there was a change in the contract, but the auditor contract (next item) was put out to bid and there weren’t any changes or reason to put it out to bid when it didn’t end until next year because the contract for auditor services doesn't officially end until the 2019-2020 year.

b. Reconsideration of Auditor Services Bid in related contract.

After the June 25 meeting, Rob said that it just didn’t make sense that the current provider for auditing services had not put in a bid to continue working with Pike County so he went through county manager records and contacted them to find out what happened. [Note from the Editor: This contract was awarded to the low bidder at the last meeting, but if the current contractor wasn’t specifically contacted like the county always does, there is a problem here that needed to be addressed because the current bid contract runs through the 2019-2020 year. Kudos to Rob and the commissioners for addressing this problem in today’s meeting and for contacting the all parties to make them aware of what is going on.]

Rob found documentation that an email was sent to our current auditing firm, but they advised that they have had issues with their email and did not receive it. Rob walked through some issues with the commissioners that needed to be addressed including the fact that the current contract provides for them to be our auditor through the upcoming year. He also asked if they wanted to reconsider the bidding process because he has found that the current provider was not advised by phone or mail of the bidding process. He said that it concerns him how this went down.

Commissioner Tim Guy asked how to do this. Rob said that they can reconsider the entire bidding process. Rob has already been in contact with the awarded bidder to advise that this was a possibility and that this did not reflect on them in any way. [Note from the Editor: A representative from that firm was at the meeting and was very personable to everyone that she talked to after the meeting.]

Motion to wait until spring and put out the bids on this. Motion to approve. 3-0.

c. Animal Shelter Donation. County Manager to provide update.

Rob has spoken with the Chandler Foundation in regard to requirements on this. He has also spoken with Meriwether County. Their shelter is maybe a little larger than we need. There has also been a meeting with the Department of Agriculture in regard to the shelter. The intent is to meet with Meriwether, Upson, and possibly Lamar County to see their facilities. We need to respond by October and Rob’s intent is to give commissioners necessary information on this. He did point out that there could be maintenance costs beyond the building of the new building. Rob advised that Meriwether works with a foundation to help reduce their operating costs. $180,000 total budget with several employees for their yearly budget. They have outside runs to reduce responsibilities so employees don’t have to put animals on a leash and walk them outside.


a. Consider use of Courthouse Grounds from Bryan Richardson with Pike County American Legion Post 197 for Pike County Patriot Day (9-11) Observance Program on September 11, 2019 from 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Motion to approve. Approved 3-0.

b. Call for Special Election to fill unexpired term of the Late Commissioner Tommy Powers, District 3.

A proposed resolution for a special election based on our 1984 enabling legislation. November 5, 2019. This will be advertised 90 days out. Qualifying will be held August 19-23. Qualifying fee needs to be set. Motion to approve. Approved 3-0.

c. Set qualifying fee for 2019 Special Election to fill unexpired term of the late Commissioner Tommy Powers, District 3.

$162 qualifying fee. Motion to approve. Approved 3-0.

d. Execute Three Rivers Area Agency on Aging SFY 2020 contract. Approve/Deny/Discuss

This is the annual contract to provide funding for their services. Rob asked that they approve this contract. Motion to approve. Approved 3-0.



a. Interim County Manager requests Executive Session for discussion or deliberation on the appointment, employment, compensation, hiring, disciplinary action or dismissal, or periodic evaluation or rating of a county officer or employee as provided in O.C.G.A. § 50-14-3(b)(2); Germane to Personnel and County Manager position in the Administration Office.

Executive Session. 9:42 a.m.

Back into session at 10:19 a.m.


Motion to adjourn. 10:19 a.m.

[Note from the Editor: If you appreciate being able to read information from county meetings for free on Pike County Times, please make a donation to Pike County Times through the PayPal link at the bottom of the page or by check to Pike County Times at PO Box 843, Zebulon so I can justify the amount of time that I am spending away from family. It may not seem like much but sitting in a meeting and then typing it up takes a lot more time than you might imagine! Thanks for reading Pike County's only FREE newspaper.]

Submitted 7.27.19